NursLink Training

All agency workers are required to provide evidence of, and/or undertake annual mandatory training in manual handling, and basic life support, and complete our annual mandatory training. Agency workers should also maintain up-to-date knowledge of best practices in their area. While we will send you reminders it is your responsibility to ensure that your training is always up to date.

NursLink offer CSTF ( skills for health aligned ) training and utilise nationwide training centres. We know that training updates can be a burden, our training completes all courses in just one day with 12 monthly renewals making your journey to becoming and maintaining compliance with NursLink simple. With CSTF alignment you know your training meets the highest quality standards set by the NHS

What training do I require?

  • Manual handling

  • Basic life support

  • Complete NursLink annual mandatory training which includes, but is not limited to; health and safety, fire safety, infection control, food hygiene, safeguarding children and adults. NursLink use external training providers who are CSTF aligned.

  • Agency workers should also maintain up-to-date knowledge of best practice in their area. While we will send you reminders it is your responsibility to ensure that your training is always up to date.

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